Meet the Team | Jim

Design professional Jim Butler points to a trip to Europe at thirteen as formative in his decision to study architecture. He always liked art and buildings, and through the exploration of historical structures, he realized that quality architecture married the two. After 28 years of practice, Jim still values the field of architecture for captivating his interest. He remains engaged in the processing of early information about scope and program and moving those ideas forward to create a building.

Jim leads 3-D production in the firm, and he is KMB architects’ resident REVIT guru. He helped craft our standards and templates, in addition to training staff. This knowledge and mentorship are an immense benefit to our firm.

“With REVIT, everything is interconnected and changes are automatically updated throughout the documents, which really helps. It takes drawings from lines and circles in 2-D to 3-D which really helps in discussions when our clients have a difficult time understanding 2-D drawings.”

Jim also plays a key role in our construction administration process because of his depth of experience. With a large portfolio of work in the public sector, Jim understands how to prepare construction documents that protect the owner and effectively communicate our designs to contractors to generate interest in bidding. During construction, he provides timely responses to RFIs and keeps our submittals organized.

In his free time, Jim melds his love of art and architecture in a different medium – sand – as a competitive sand sculptor. His introduction to the craft began at Olympia’s Sand in the City Festival at an event that paired accomplished sand sculptors with architects. From there he was hooked. Jim has KMB architects’ associate, Elizabeth Glenn, on his sand sculping team and they travel the Washington and Oregon coasts to compete in the summers. We wonder if Jim’s pet possum will ever be a subject of his art!