Emergency Operations Center, Thurston County Roads & Transportation Services


Emergency Operations Center, Thurston County Roads & Transportation Services


Location: Olympia, WA

Date: 2013

Square Feet:  12,000 sf

Project Cost: $2.7 Million

Project Keywords: New construction, Operations Facility, Wood Frame, Sustainable Building

Project Description:

The $2.7 million, 12,000 square foot facility serves as the Emergency Operations Center for Thurston County and houses the County’s Emergency Management and Homeland Security staff. As an essential public facility, the wood-framed building was designed to significantly exceed seismic code and energy standards. Designed to LEED Gold standards, the use of certified wood, solar PV panels, rainwater harvesting for plumbing and irrigation, office daylighting, and recycled, low emitting finish materials all contribute to a sustainable building.

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